Is it Time to Upgrade Your HVAC System
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system(HVAC) is the most energy consuming module of a building’s energy system. Several times poor HVAC systems can cost significantly more compared to well-maintained systems. Building utility cost may rise three-fold compared similar buildings with efficient HVAC equipment. According to USGBC, heating and cooling systems consume the most energy in a household and any faulty systems can cause economic, environmental and indoor air quality problems. SC-B consulting performs cost-effective HVAC upgrades to improve your building efficiency and lower your utility costs. The upgrades not only increase the energy efficiency of a building but also improve the indoor living experience. SC-B makes use of cost-saving opportunities to upgrade your HVAC system with incentives and also provides the technical energy management assistance for optimal performance in the future. HVAC upgrade is one of the most efficient ways to save the spiked energy bills and improve your comfort while at home.